Sarens kranen wolvertem

  • Get in touch

  • Sarens’ keystone training centre in Wolvertem, Belgium, has been developing a highly-skilled and qualified talent pool for the past several years. We believe that people are our main asset and .
  • sarens kranen wolvertem
  • Vestigingen in België
  • Get in touch Sarens owns one of the largest and most diverse fleet worldwide.
    Eind bereikte het Sarens opleidingscentrum een volgende grote mijlpaal.
    S arens is een wereldwijd toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van kraanverhuur, zwaar hijswerk en technisch transport.
    SARENS - Sarens Training Centrum krijgt nieuwe look .

  • To meet the maintenance needs of the growing and modernizing fleet of Sarens, a new maintenance building, Hall X has been inaugurated at our Headquarters in Wolvertem. A .
  • Get in touch
    1. Contact | Sarens CONTACT DETAILS Autoweg 10 B Wolvertem Belgium Tel: +32 52 Fax: +32 52 site: E-mail: info@
      SARENS - Sarens Opens a New Maintenance Building in Wolvertem Since , Sarens has its own in-house training center, located at the Sarens yard in Wolvertem, Belgium. The training center primarily exists to provide the required trainings to the Sarens .
      Sarens . Nothing too Heavy, Nothing too High Headquarters Address Autoweg 10 Wolvertem Belgium Contact T: +32 52 F: +32 52 E: info@
      Sarens Headquarters Autoweg 10 - Wolvertem, Belgium +32 52 recruitment@
  • Contact | Sarens