Seckel syndroom

Seckel syndroom Seckel syndrome , or microcephalic primordial dwarfism also known as bird-headed dwarfism , Harper's syndrome , Virchow—Seckel dwarfism and bird-headed dwarf of Seckel [ 1 ] is an extremely rare congenital nanosomic disorder.
Seckel syndrome (SCKL) A rare form of microcephalic primordial dwarfism characterized by a proportionate dwarfism of prenatal onset, a severe microcephaly, a typical dysmorphic face bird-like , and mild to severe intellectual disability.
Seckel Seckel syndrome is a rare inherited syndrome, named for the pediatrician, Dr.
Seckel syndrome - Wikipedia .

Seckel syndroom

  • Seckel syndrome, or microcephalic primordial dwarfism (also known as bird-headed dwarfism, Harper's syndrome, Virchow–Seckel dwarfism and bird-headed dwarf of Seckel) is an extremely rare congenital nanosomic disorder. Inheritance is autosomal recessive. It is characterized by intrauterine growth See more.
  • seckel syndroom
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    1. FDNA™Seckel Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis Seckel Syndrome, sometimes referred to as 'bird-headed dwarfism', is an autosomal recessive disorder. It primarily affects physical development, leading to distinctive dysmorphic features .
      Orphanet: Seckel syndrome Seckel syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by growth retardation, very small head (microcephaly(with intellectual disability, and unique facial features such as large eyes, beak .
      O síndrome de Seckel, uma patologia autossómica recessiva, é a forma mais comum de nanismo osteodisplásico microcefálico. Caracteriza-se por nanismo proporcionado de aparecimento .
      What is Seckel syndrome? Seckel syndrome is characterized by a proportionate dwarfism of prenatal onset, a severe microcephaly with a bird-headed like appearance and mental retardation. Hematological .
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  • Seckel

  • Seckel syndrooma
  • Seckel syndrome
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  • Seckel
  • Seckel syndrooma

  • Seckel syndroom